My Mom Sex With My Friend Deniyal Hardcore Hot Sex -

Before returning to my room, I decided to lie on Sarita’s made bed and play with her panties. As was my usual method, I started by inhaling the female scent from the crotch area. Present usually was dried or damp female juices along with a few drops of her urine. I would then usually lick the damp areas, tasting her combined fluids, all the while jerking my usually hard cock off to eventual eruption all over my flat stomach. This has usually satisfied my peaking fascination with my sister’s (or on a few occasions…my mom’s) panties. On this one occasion, I was so engrossed with my self pleasuring; I failed to hear the front door open. Unknown to me, my sister and her friend, shamita, another sexy gand, had also come home early to study and proceeded up to her room. Not expecting anyone in her room, she was somewhat startled to hear moans coming from her room. She carefully peeked around the doorway, only to find me lying on her bed stroking my hard cock, and two pairs of her panties. Oh and she is a very attractive Red head. I asked why she did this in the parking lot and she said she didn't like doing it in the restroom. As time went on i would make a point to catch a glimpse of her in her car fantasizing about my mouth being her breast pump. Our relationship developed to where one day we were alone in empty office and we kissed. An affair ensued that was wild and erotic. One day as we were naked in the woods of a local park she asked about my fantasies. I told her about my desire to breastfeed from her. She smiled a real devious smile and said she had seen me several times trying to sneak a peek at her pumping. Weeks went by and on one saturday morning she called me and said she was away from home running errands and could we meet. I'm thinking this was great and we would be making love. When she showed up with her baby I was dismayed. After chitchatting she smiled and said today your fantasy comes true. She slowly opened her blouse and opened up her bra and.
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